by paneldecontrol | Apr 16, 2015
Bar VLC name vlc001_01 (bar) materials aluminium, solid surface, brass & stainless steel. dimensions height=35mm x lenght=560mm x width=60mm description The main characteristics of the VLC001 (Valencia) range are its straight lines, elegant and rational...
by paneldecontrol | Apr 16, 2015
Paper holder VLC name vlc001_05 (paper holder) materials aluminium, solid surface, brass & stainless steel. dimensions height=70mm x lenght=125mm x width=60mm description The main characteristics of the VLC001 (Valencia) range are its straight lines, elegant and...
by paneldecontrol | Apr 16, 2015
Hook VLC name vlc001_04 (hook) materials aluminium, solid surface, brass & stainless steel. dimensions height=50mm x lenght=30mm x width=60mm description The main characteristics of the VLC001 (Valencia) range are its straight lines, elegant and rational...
by paneldecontrol | Apr 16, 2015
Towel-rail VLC name vlc001_06 (towel-rail) materials aluminium, solid surface, brass & stainless steel. dimensions height=70mm x lenght=125mm x width=60mm description The main characteristics of the VLC001 (Valencia) range are its straight lines, elegant and...
by paneldecontrol | Apr 16, 2015
Manivela VLC nombre vlc001_03 (manivela) materiales aluminio, solid surface,latón y acero inoxidable. dimensiones alto=55mm x largo=140mm x ancho=65mm. descripción Los accesorios de la serie VLC001 (Valencia), se caracterizan por sus lineas rectas conjugadas con una...